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“ART INTO LIFE”Fashion Show of the 30th Anniversary


As Marisfrolg brand celebrates its 30th anniversary, it revolves around the theme of "ART INTO LIFE", integrating fashion, humanities, arts, technology and design. In the form of a fashion show combining digital art and architectural art space, it leads us into the 30-year story of Marisfrolg with a brand-new narrative. In the dialogue between the past and the present, it outlines the future of Chinese fashion brands, demonstrating that the brand spirit of Chinese fashion brands has been refined and strengthened over 30 years, becoming even more determined and full of vitality.


"Integrating contemporary art into life" has always been the thread running through Marisfrolg's 30-year brand journey. For this fashion show, Marisfrolg has collaborated with French artist Yann Nguema. Taking the modernist architectural art of the Marisfrolg Taking the modernist architectural art of the Marisfrolg building as the carrier, they have used digital media art to construct an immersive space about time, and related a story about the radical transformation of contemporary women. In the fusion of fashion and art, they explore the power of women's beauty transcending time and age.